Dejan Milutinović is the president of the Security Sector Professional Association (SUSB) and an active member of the state security sector since 2003 as part of an elite formation. He is also a representative of IBSSA (International Bodyguard Security Service Association) through the Training Center of SUSB, as well as a representative of the Council in EPA Austria (European Police Association).

The Professional Association of the Security Sector (SUSB) is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan, interest-based, public and think-thank-based professional association of active and retired members of the state and private security sectors, experts and specialists in the field of security, academic communities of related sciences and scientific disciplines related to security and other citizens regarding security, both in the Republic of Serbia and abroad.

SUSB recognized the need and opportunity to help with its capacities, and in accordance with its activities, goals and tasks, the development of the private security sector, especially when it comes to education, i.e. training and improvement of personnel in the private sector, as well as presentations and recommendations to individuals and groups in society, who are interested in jobs offered by the private security sector.

The security of the state and society is a prerequisite for their survival, freedom and development. Its realization requires an equally scientific and practical approach, guided by the values ​​of the rule of law, professionalism and the fight against all forms of external and internal threats.

That is why the slogan that describes the essence of our founding is “KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE” – “SCIENTIA ET EXPERIENTIA”.