Insurance appeared about 4000 years ago in China, when the carriers of goods on the Yangtze River joined together in the desire to protect their precious cargo from the many dangers that accompany them along the river, by distributing a tenth of their cargo in each of ten ships. The logic of large numbers says that not all ships will have some kind of disaster, so merchants saved a large part of their transport in that way. In Europe, later, specialized institutions were created that deal with the calculation and purchase of one’s risk – fear, insurance companies. Today, in economically developed parts of the world, there are insurance companies that can, in money, calculate and accept any risk for a certain price.

We were born out of the desire to be of use to you, our clients, small and medium-sized enterprises and ordinary people, when it comes to the field of insurance.

The insurance company has its own teams of lawyers, economists, mathematicians, appraisers, doctors, liquidators, and salespeople, and you have us, to bring you closer to what may be an incomprehensible insurance dictionary.