Gigashop online store – a friend of your home, with great promotional prices.
Gigashop online store – a friend of your home, with great promotional prices.
Članovi Stena biznis kluba postajete uplatom članarine. Na kraju svake godine Upravni odbor donosi odluku o iznosu članarine za narednu kalendarsku godinu. Odlukom Upravnog odbora, članarina za 2024. godinu iznosi 1000 EUR.
Za plaćanje iz Srbije:
Uplatu u dinarskoj protivvrednosti po srednjem kursu Narodne banke Srbije na dan izdavanja fakture izvršiti na broj tekućeg računa: EUROBANK Direktna AD Račun: 150-0000025003003-65. Po izvršenoj uplati ispostavlja se račun.
Za plaćanje iz inostranstva:
EUROBANK Direktna AD Račun: 150-0070100107315-28. Po izvršenoj uplati ispostavlja se račun.
You become a member of the Stena Business Club by paying the membership fee. At the end of each year, the Board of Directors decides on the amount of the membership fee for the following calendar year. By decision of the Board of Directors, the membership fee for 2024 is 1000 EUR.
For payment from Serbia:
Payment in the dinar equivalent at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of the invoice should be made to the current account number: EUROBANK Direktna AD Account: 150-0000025003003-65. After the payment is made, an invoice is issued.
For payment from abroad:
EUROBANK Direktna AD Account: 150-0070100107315-28. After the payment is made, an invoice is issued.